Tax Registration Information

Tax Registration Information:

12.1 Director Information (General Director): 12.2 Chief Accountant/Accounting Officer Information: 12.3 Address for Tax Notifications: 12.4 Commencement Date of Operations: 12.5 Accounting Method: Independent Accounting  Dependent Accounting 

12.6 Fiscal Year: Applied from January 1st to December 31st 12.7 Total Expected Employees: 15 persons 12.8 Activities under BOT/BTO/BT/BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M Projects:  Yes  No 12.9 Value Added Tax (VAT) Calculation Method: Deduction  Direct on VAT  Direct on Turnover  Not Subject to VAT 

Please note that the above information pertains to the tax registration details, including director and chief accountant information, accounting method, fiscal year, expected number of employees, and the method of calculating Value Added Tax (VAT). The checkboxes indicate the selected options for each item.

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